As expected, Today Vivo Mobile has launched much awaited world’s slimmest smartphone, the Vivo X5Max in India at the price tag of Rs. 32,980. Vivo X5Max is only 4.75mm thin. Originally this device was announced couple of week back in China. This device beat Oppo R5 in terms of thin profile as before Vivo X5Max, Oppo R5 was the slimmest smartphone of the world which comes with 4.85mm thin profile. To achieve this thin profile Vivo has said that they had shifted 90% of internal components to the side of the screen.
If we talk about specs then as told earlier, Vivo X5Max comes with 5.5 inch super AMOLED display screen with screen resolution of 1920×1080 pixels, under the hood it is powered by 64 bit Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 (MSM8939) SoC clocked at 1.5 GHz along with Adreno 406 GPU and 2 GB RAM, it also includes 16 GB internal storage which be further expanded up to 128 GB via microSD card.
As per photography front it has got 13 MP rear snapper with LED flash and wide aperture f/2.0 lens, at front it has got a5 MP selfie snapper with aperture f/2.4. For connectivity Vivo X5Max has got 4G LTE / 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, Micro USB, 3.5mm audio jack and USB OTG.
To provide rich audio quality, Vivo X5Max comes with HiFi 2.0 in which you will get YAMAHA YSS-205X digital surround signal processing chip, TI’s OPA1612 amplifier and SABRE ES9601 DAC. It houses a 2000 mAh and as per software front it runs on Android 4.4 KitKat wrapped under FunTouch 2.0 OS.
Must Read :- How Oppo R5 Become World’s Thinnest Smartphone
Vivo X5Max comes with magnesium alloy and stainless steel body and features an anti-fingerprint coating as well which will prevent fingerprint marks on it. The good thing about this phone is that Vivo hasnt compromised with microSD card slot and 3.5mm audio jack to reach this thin profile, as we had seen that Oppo has removed 3.5mm audio jack and microSD card slot from Oppo R5, but its not the case with Vivo X5Max.
At launch event Vivo Mobile has said that they are going to launch 5 new smartphone’s in India ranging from Rs 7,000 to Rs 40,000. Company has already partnered with 20 distributors across 20 states. Company is also planning to establish a manufacturing unit in India in next three years.