Asus has launched its next flagship smartphone, the Asus Zenfone AR which not only features the latest set of hardware, it also comes with some features which make this device stand out in the crowd. Asus Zenfone AR is the only smartphone available in the market which supports both Google’s Daydream and Google’s Tango project which brings AR and VR to this device and it can be useful in many scenarios.
Due to its AR and VR support, this device has gained a lot of popularity all around the world, and if you too want to know more then here are some reasons which make this smartphone stand out in the crowd.
#1 Support For Tango Project
Tango is the augmented reality project developed by Google, Tango brings depth-sensing and motion-tracking camera technology altogether and with right apps, virtual objects can inhabit the space around you in fun, informative, and creative ways. For example, you could size up furniture for your living room, or chase monsters through your kitchen. It’s a brand new world of possibilities with augmented reality and Tango.
#2 Support For Daydream Project
As told earlier, Asus ZenFone AR is the first smartphone to include both Tango and Daydream support in the same device. With the Daydream View headset, you can take your VR experience to next level, you can enjoy personal cinema filling your whole field of view, or dive into immersive games with the help of the included controller. Google is working hard with developers to grow the library of Daydream apps which will help you to get more and better experiences right around the corner.
#3 Next Generation Audio Technology
Asus has used next generation audio technology in Asus Zenfone AR, SonicMaster 3.0 engine which produces premium audio. There are all new 5-magnet speaker design which can deliver music louder and it is without any distorting or damaging the hardware. Whether you’re using VR, or just listening up music, the ZenFone AR will not disappoint.
Must Read: Asus Zenfone AR; Specifications, Features, And Price
#4 Elegant Display
If you are going to use a smartphone on VR then you need a smartphone with not only a beautiful display but a display which will be easy on your eyes as with the Daydream View headset, the screen will be quite close to your eyes. Zenfone AR has got 5.7 inches Super AMOLED display with 2560 x 1440 WQHD screen which produces details at the sharpest definition and with the deepest colors.
#5 More RAM To Handle All Tasks
Asus ZenFone AR pack in 8 GB of RAM, and with 8 GB of it in the ZenFone AR ensures that it is able to handle all kind of tasks for you, like gaming, social media and yes augmented reality and virtual reality as well.
#6 Next Generation Camera
Asus Zenfone Ar comes with the TriCam system, which combines every technology required for fluid virtual reality and augmented reality, the primary 23-megapixel camera can take some impressive shots. It has a large f/2.0 aperture, means more light will come in and it is perfect for shooting in low-light. It can capture videos in 4K, and support optical and electronic image stabilization.