Almost all of us use Twitter,Its users are increasing day by day.Its concept is very good in which you have only 140 words to say anything.
But many time we need to post tweets having more word than allowed.There are some services like TwitLonger and Twishort which allows you to post longer tweets but the main problem in those services are that they provide a external link at the end of of your tweet and you have to live your twitter page to see the whole tweet.
TallTweet is a good client developed by Amit Aggarwal of Labnol.Org.It slice your longer tweets into multiple tweets and send them into reverse arrangement so that they can be read from top to bottom.
Here are some snapshot and procedure :-
- Open TallTweet and signin to your twitter account,It may ask you confirmation just allow it,
- Now write your tweet and click on Post Tweet button to post that tweet,It will show what it had posted and in which form,
- That’s it,Now just open your timeline for confirmation.
The concept is good as it shows all post in the timeline you don’t have to open any separate window to see whole tweet and as it shows in reverse form which is also nice.