Yesterday, the world’s first photo-sharing review network, goes live yesterday, The name ‘Myish’ revolves around the word ‘Ish’, which means stuff, which ultimately means Myish stands for “My stuff”. At the event company announced that they are trying to targets the growing market of 18 to 40 age group who loves to share their “ISH” or you can say stuff with each other. Myish tries to engage you in reviewing, following and liking stuff, and then you will get rewarded for it.


Myish is a social platform for reviews and it is developed to create a real, authenticated and trusted reviews, its search algorithms is designed to show relevant search results with reviews from friends of the users in addition to the reviews from general people. Myish also rewards users for sharing valuable content.

By using Myish, users will be able to upload up to 5 images of stuff, write review, rate it and if you have then you can also share web URL of that product. You wont get rewards for just sharing, but if your stuff is liked or commented then you will get rewards which you can use as coupons, as much as stuff you share and other people comment or like your stuff you will get points and on the basis of these points you will get different badges.

With Myish you can :-

  • Take photos of ish (stuffs) like your favorite gadget, the latest book, cycle or so on
  • Rate your ish and let others know about it
  • Explore ish you would love to own. You can see other people’s ish and make better decisions about how you spend your time and money.
  • Earn points, badges and redeemable rewards for being active on Myish.
  • And Myish will rewards you for sharing!

You can access Myish from or you can download app from on the Google Play Store (compatible with Android 2.2 and above) and iOS will be available from next week (compatible with iOS 6 and above).


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