Its no doubt every webmaster loves when its readers share its post with their friends or family members, when a blog post is shared it generates more traffic and create a trust on blog. Its always recommended to install or provide social sharing options on your blog post so that it will be easy for your readers to share useful articles.
Its also true that mobile users are increasing and mobile traffic is increasing day by day so its important to think from mobile users prospective and you should optimize your mobile version of blog so that it will be easy for readers to read and share. When it comes for sharing anything over mobile then mobile users prefer WhatsApp most of the time. In recent days WhatsApp has build a strong user base which made Facebook to purchase it at heavy price of $19 Billions.
iPhone users are clicking their new WhatsApp button more than Twitter’s. This was enough for us to build a WhatsApp sharing button generator, so you can easily create your own.
If you too wants to optimize your mobile version website and generate more traffic then consider to adding a WhatsApp sharing button on your mobile website. One thing is to note that WhatsApp Sharing is only available for iOS users at time, so this button will be displayed for iOS users only.
For WordPress Users :-
If you are a WordPress users then you don’t need to dig into coding, a useful plugin can do the things for you, here’s how you can implement it :-
- First login to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Plugins –> Add New and search for Mobile ShareBar, Install it and activate it
- Once install you can find it at Settings –> Mobile ShareBar, here you can configure the options for it but by default the options are there and you can go with them as well.
- There is a option to use account credentials to use shorten URLs, you can select the position of buttons where they will be placed and on which page you want to display these sharing button like I had selected my Front or Home Page, Post and Page where WhatsApp and other buttons should be displayed.
- Just save changes and check it.
For Other Users :-
If you don’t use WordPress and instead using a normal website then also you can install WhatsApp sharing button on your website, just visit WhatsApp-Sharing.Com, it’s a WhatsApp sharing button generator which gives you a little code which you have to copy and paste on your website where you wanna display WhatsApp sharing button.
Final Verdict :-
It’s a nice way to encourage your users to share their favorite articles over one of the most popular messaging service. The only limitation I felt is that it works only on iOS device, I hope soon it will work with Android too.