There are lots of threats available online which can harm any computer in the world, if you are connected with internet then you must be extra alert while using internet because you might download any virus while downloading files. To remove or stay safe from these threats we use Anti-Virus system which protects us and keep us and protects our files, Anti-Virus companies release updates for their clients regarding the latest threats but no AV is 100% safe, so its worth to scan your system with more than 1 AV, but in practical life its not possible. VirusTotal is an online service which allows you to scan websites or even files with over 40 AV, so there is more chances to detect threats but to use this service you need to manually upload file which might take some time. SecurityXploded has released an unofficial desktop version of VirusTotal, with which you can scan any file right from your desktop and no need to upload files. It performs direct Hash based scan on VirusTotal thus reducing the time taken to upload the file.
It comes with both portable and installation version so that you can use according to your needs. To use just launch the tool and then either drag and drop file to it or just browse the files
Within few seconds it will shows the result of the file, it will show what 40+ AV have to say regarding the file.
If you had installed it on your system then you will find that it has installed an option on your context menu so that you can easily check any file.
In our test we had found that its not working properly with Windows 7 SP1, so run it in compatibility mode.