Prevent Pinning Of Windows Store Apps To Start Screen
When Microsoft has introduced Windows 8 they had replaced Start Menu with Start Screen which list all apps installed in your machine. When you...
[How To] Restart Start Screen And Taskbar Or Explorer.exe in Windows 8.x
If you are using Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 and your start screen or taskbar start giving problem to you then you easily fix...
[How To] Disable “Show Password” Button in Windows 8 And Windows 8.1
If you are using Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 then you must have noticed that whenever you type your Windows login password or type...
Hide Or Remove Search Box And Up Button In Windows 8 And 8.1
if you are using Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 then you might be aware that Microsoft has improved a lot in UI of Windows...
[How To] Delete Or Forget WiFi Network In Windows 8.1
Most of the time when we update our OS to the newer version it brings some enhancements and fixes bugs which were there in...
Download Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation
If you are an IT professional or into IT business then Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition is for you but if you want to check...
[How to] Login Automatically In Windows 8 Or 8.1 Without Microsoft Account Password
Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 allows you to login to your machine with your Microsoft account, you can add your account and from next...
Get Aero Effect On Windows 8 With Glass 8
From the date of launch of Windows 8 users were missing Aero effect which was introduced back in Windows Vista and continued in Windows...
How To Dowload Windows 8.1 ISO Using Windows 8 Key
A week ago Microsoft has released Windows 8.1 for general public available through Windows Store for Windows 8 users, Windows 7 or earlier users...
Windows 8.1 Available For Download, Here’s Whats New In It
As we had told you that Microsoft will release final version of Windows 8.1 for public on October 17th and they did. If you...