System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 – KB947821, Download It
Microsoft has released a system update tool for Windows 7 users because an inconsistency was found in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the...
Hack Windows 7 System Property Dialog Box
I already told you HOW TO HACK WINDOWS XP SYSTEM PROPERTY DIALOG BOX, now i am going to tell you how can we hack...
Get The Current Username Host-name etc In Windows
today i am going to share a small and useful utility WHO I AM which lets you know the computer name, host-name,current logged in...
Access Hidden Regional Wallpapers in Windows 7
Couple of days ago I told you haw to access Access Hidden Regional Themes in Windows 7, Windows 7 not only hides regional themes...
Access Hidden Regional Themes in Windows 7
Windows 7 comes with lots of new themes which can be accessed using Desktop Personalization, there you'll see some themes like...
First Commercial Ad Of Windows 7
Recently Microsoft has released the first commercial ad of its latest windows, Windows 7, n which you can see "Kylie" ( girl from an...
Boot Window In Safe Mode Without Pressing F8 Key
Many times my frnds frequently ask me that is there any way to boot window in safe mode without pressing F8 key, as all...
Now you can gt a free copy of windows 7 ultimate edition directly from Microsoft, for the promotion of windows 7,...
Get 90 Days Trail Of Windows 7 Enterprise Version
Microsoft is offering trail version windows 7 Enterprise edition to IT professionals so that you can test your software on windows 7 RTM ...