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Backup & Restore SMS Call Logs Android

Back Up And Restore SMS, Contact, Call Logs And Photos On Android

Nowadays smartphone companies are launching smartphone every day, which means you have a new choice everyday, its nice to use a new device as...

[How To] Install Android 6.0 Marshmallow Launcher On Your Android Devices

Couple of days back Google has announced the name of its forthcoming Android version, the Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Google hasnt announced when they are...
Google Now On MIUI

[How To] Install Google Now Launcher On MIUI

All Xiaomi devices comes with MIUI, which is one of the cleanest and flat UI, but there are some users who does not like it. Here is a simple way to install Google Now launcher on MIUI.
Yu Yureka CM12

[How To] Apply Official CM12 Update On YU Yureka

Couple of days back YU has announced that they will be slowly rolling out Android Lollipop based CyanogenMod 12 update for all YUREKA users...

[How To] Enable WhatsApp Web on iOS Devices

Earlier this year, one of the most widely used messaging, the WhatsApp has announced one of most awaited feature, the WhatsApp web which lets...

[How To] Enable WhatsApp Calling on iOS [Jailbreak]

WhatsApp calling is already available for bunch of Android users and they are making most of it, including me, who make WhatsApp call to...
CM12.1 Samsung Galaxy S4

CyanogenMod 12.1 Available For Samsung Galaxy S4

If you are a Samsung Galaxy S4 user and loves CyanogenMod due to its rich features then here is a good news for you,...
Optical And Digital Zoom

[TA Explains] Difference Between Optical And Digital Zoom

Nowadays our smartphone's camera is becoming more and more powerful day by day, and very soon that day will come when these smartphone's will...
Chrome Profile Tab

[How To] Enable/Disable Chrome Profile Tab

Now Chrome shows a nice profile tab at the corner of the window which shows your name, but if you want to disable it then here is the simple way for it.
HP 7 Voice Tab

Top Voice Calling Tablets Under 10K

If you are looking for cheap but good tablets which supports voice calling as well, then here is a list f those tablets which comes with 3G/Voice calling.
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Hike Introduced EID Special Stickers

One of the most important festival of the year is just around the corner, EID and on this occasion different companies are launching special...