Google search engine

Export Email Address Of All Your Facebook Contacts

Almost all of us use Facebook,It is like our a part of our daily life.If you wanna know the email address of your faceebook...

How To Delete Your Hotmail/Windows Live, Yahoo Or Gmail Account Permanently

It happens that we create some email ids on various sites who offer email accounts but after some time you will make another or...

[Solved] Windows Live Writer “Server Error 405”

One of our reader Jonny said:- I had made a blog and want to write post through Windows Live Writer, But whenever i try to...

“Chit Chat Facebook Messenger”, Chat With Facebook Budies Without Opening Browser

Chit Chat for Facebook is a free instant messenger which allows you to chat with all your Facebook buddies.Chit Chat connects to Facebook Chat...

Access MySpace From Outlook

If you use MySpace regularly then here is a MySpace plugin which allows you to access MySpace in your Outlook and stay connected with...

Get Facebook Notification On Your Desktop Under Windows, Mac And Linux

If you use facebook frequently and always love to get notification instantly but dont want to open your Browser just to see Notifications then...

“Fast Flip” A Online Newspaper With Magazine Style From Google

Recently Google Lab launched a online newspaper service web application called Google Fast Flip, it allows you to keep in touch with the latest...

Find People in Facebook By Scaning There Face’s

Photo Finder is a nice and quite easy to use tool which lets you to find photo of you and of your friend also...
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Google search engine


Yu Yureka S With Full HD Display Secretly Launched Online

It seems Micromax sister company, Yu is not yet done with their smartphone business, after the big blunder with Yutopia which was repeated with...