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Get Notification Whenever Google Chrome Or Its Extension Updated

get notified whenever Google chrome or its installed extension are updated in real time

[Solved] Google Chrome Shockwave Flash Crashed

If you try to visit website that uses Flash player then you might get error like Shockwave Flash crashed, Here is a solution.

Watch Hulu And Pandora Contents From Outside US

If you are from Outside US and wants to surf Hulu.Com, Pandora or Netflix then you will get error as these sites are only available for US, but now you can use them from anywhere.

Create RSS Feed Of Any Public Google Plus Updates

Till now Google hasnt released any support for RSS Feed of Google Plus profiles but here is a simple way to get those feeds.

Find Out Your Saved Password From Web Browser

If you had saved your password in your web browser so that you can login easily on next visit but forget your password then here is easy way to recover it.

Opera Setup Extract Files Instead Of Installing On Double Click

Recently we get a mail from our reader and he says that Opera wont install updates but it just extract some files, lets see how to fix it.

Download Torrent Files Using Google Chrome

If you frequently download files from BitTorrent but dont wanna use extra software on your system then you can download Torrent files right from your Chrome.

Chrome For iOS Released

Google has released its web browser for Apple iOS device, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, The app can sync your data across all platforms.

BackUp And Restore Opera Data With STU’s Opera Setting

Many times we need to make a backup of all settings, session, history, typed URL and so on. Opera link allows you to backup many things on cloud but if you wanna full backup then this tool is for you.

Google Chrome Overtakes IE And Becomes Most Used Web Browser

Google Chrome has ended the era of Microsoft Internet Explorer and now becomes the most used web browser in the world