The relation between big brands and controversies is not new, it goes hand to hand and recent Vivo India has to face a controversy right after launching their latest offering, Vivo V7 Plus which was launched last week in India. At launch, event company has unveiled that this smartphone is powered by Snapdragon 450, but the company hasn’t announced or told much about the chipset and the event.

Vivo V7 PLus

The actual controversy was, as per Snapdragon 450 official page, this processor can only support up to the 21MP camera, but Vivo V7 Plus has a 24MP camera as per the company, so how it can be possible.

We have received few query from users, and instead of jumping into any conclusion, we decided to play safe and contacted Vivo India to clarify it, and today we have received reply from the company –

“We appreciate your interest in Vivo and our products. Vivo would like to reiterate that the new Vivo V7+ front camera sensor is indeed capable of shooting 24MP photos. The Qualcomm website will be updated shortly to include support of this specification. We always guarantee the authenticity of our information, as well as our dedication to innovation and our consumers.”

Questions from various users around the globe were not wrong, but now the company has confirmed that SD450 can support the 24MP camera, things become clearer now, we are just waiting for this to reflect on the official page of SD450.

Vivo V7 Plus Hands On Review


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