Earlier this month Huawei has launched its latest smartphone under a separate series, the Honor 4X in India, this smartphone became very much popular in India as it is offering good amount of features in the given price, and with 24hours it crosses 100,000 registration. Now company has announced its little brother, the Honor 4C in China at the price tag of CNY 799 which is approximately Rs. 8,150.
If we talk about specs then it flaunts an 5 inch HD (720×1280 pixels) TFT IPS display screen, under the hood it is powered by companies home made octa-core HiSilicon Kirin 620 processor along with 2Gb of RAM, it comes with 8GB of internal storage which can be further expandable up to 32GB via microSD card.
In terms of photography, it features an 13-megapixel rear camera with f/2.0 aperture, LED flash, and CMOS sensor, it also features an 5-megapixel front camera for selfies. In terms of connectivity it has got WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, Micro USB and LTE. In terms of software, Honor 4C runs on Android 4.4 KitKat wrapped under EM UI 3.0.
This device is listed on Honor website and it is available via Tmall and Vmall online retailers in China, at this time company hasnt announced when they are planning to launch this device outside of home country.