Today Indian eretailer, Flipkart has announced ‘Flipkart Fashion Files’ – an exclusive lifestyle content page on its platform. Flipkart has joined hands with the Conde Nast Group to co-create high quality fashion content for its young and dynamic customers. It is targeted for fashion savvy Indian shoppers, the files will host ‘Flipkart Fashion Files’ will host a range of exclusive fashion diva/celebrity interviews, trend boards, brand and product stories along with lifestyle articles.


Bollywood celeb Ileana D’Cruz will be the face of ‘Flipkart Fashion Files’ for the month of November. Other contributors to the first edition include prominent fashion photographers like Rohan Shreshtha and Porus Vimadalal.

Mukesh Bansal, Head – Fashion (Flipkart), said :-

“We are happy to announce the launch of ‘Flipkart Fashion Files’ in association with the Conde Nast Group. With this we aim to enhance the shopping experience of our style savvy shoppers by introducing fashion content curated by experts in this field. This is a true combination of high quality commerce and content which will add new dimension to our fashion category and make it the ultimate fashion destination for every shopper.”

Commenting on this association, Alex Kuruvilla, Managing Director of Conde Nast India said :-

“We are delighted to power Flipkart Fashion Files by creating cutting edge fashion and lifestyle digital content through our newly formed division Conde Nast Factory. Through our knowledge of latest trends, global and local, and access to the finest talent, we are well positioned to create relevant and high quality content month on month for Flipkart’s fashion and beauty interested audience.”


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