Let me ask you a simple question What tool you use for capturing your computer screen Or in simple word what tool you use for taking screenshot of your screen???
I know many of you will answer that you simply press PRINT SCREEN button and then use Ms Paint.
Ms paint is a great tool but it lacks many feature like if you press PRINT SCREEN button then it will take screenshot of whole screen than what to do when you require the screenshot of a particular area?
Snagit is a premium application which has many feature for taking screenshot.Like you may use free hand to take screenshot Or Full Screen and many more
It also cames with SnagIt Editor, Which is a basic image editing program which comes with SnagIt. It can be used to make simple changes to a screenshot, including adding arrows, blurring sections, or cropping and many more. The SnagIt Editor uses Microsoft’s Fluent Ribbon UI.
You may download and use a 30 days trail version or Purchase it at $ 50